
I am a recovering East Coast academic (my dissertation was on the Franco-American film trade), now working as a freelance editor and living in San Francisco. I love ballet, books, and booze, but not necessarily in that order. My newfound passion is opera, preferably in either French or Italian. I’m an extreme completist and radical budgeter, and I never met a list I didn’t like.

Favorite posts…
in Art: @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz
in Books: Take Five: Best of the Books, My Life in Books series
in Dance: Ballet 101—Coppélia
in Film: Hitchcock I: Sound and Silence
in Food and Drink: Violets and Elderflowers
in Music: Berlioz and Being the Ball
in Opera: Opera 101—Inglourious Basterd

I also love hiking and landscape photography and have a goal of visiting all the National Parks in the U.S. For my writing on travel, check out Worth the Detour.

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